Warmonger Acceptance
Race 8 at Flemington
Date: Sat 14th Sep, 2024
Crown Makybe Diva Stakes, 1600m
Open, Apprentices Cannot Claim, 3yo+, Weight For Age, $750,000.00
No | Horse | Barrier | Jockey | Weight | Win | Pl | Hcp Rating |
1 | Mr Brightside | 4 | Craig Williams | 59 | 45% | 8% | 118 |
2 | Pinstriped | 8 | Ben Allen | 59 | 26% | 15% | 112 |
3 | Circle Of Fire | 2 | M Zahra | 59 | 21% | 21% | 108 |
4 | Antino | 6 | B Shinn | 59 | 48% | 13% | 108 |
5 | Warmonger | 3 | M J Dee | 58.5 | 25% | 8% | 106 |
6 | Pride Of Jenni | 7 | Declan Bates | 57 | 23% | 9% | 122 |
7 | Atishu | 5 | Damian Lane | 57 | 23% | 17% | 114 |
8 | Via Sistina | 1 | J B Mc Donald | 57 | 50% | 10% | 118 |
Trainer: Ben, Will & Jd Hayes Jockey: Craig Williams Weight: 59kg Barrier: 4
Record: 40-18-9-3 Prizemoney: $16,393,402.00
2-4 | 3/41.5L , Moonee Valley, 2024-09-27 1600M, Good , Race 4, Feehan Stakes, $501,500.00 ($90,000.00), Jockey: Craig Williams, Bar: 3 , 59kg, 1:34.67 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-2 |
2-8 | 2.30.3L , Caulfield, 2024-08-31 1400M, Good , Race 9, Memsie Stakes, $754,950.00 ($135,000.00), Jockey: Craig Williams, Bar: 4 , 59kg, 1:22.66 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-3 |
2-8 | 3/40.8L , Caulfield, 2024-10-12 2000M, Good , Race 7, Might And Power, $1,005,000.00 ($180,000.00), Jockey: Craig Williams, Bar: 1 , 59kg, 2:01.40 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-2 |
1-8 | Lg NkL , Flemington, 2024-09-14 1600M, Heavy , Race 8, Makybe Diva Stakes, $755,325.00 ($455,325.00), Jockey: Craig Williams, Bar: 4 , 59kg, 1:38.98 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-3 |
4-9 | 210.3L , Moonee Valley, 2024-10-26 2040M, Good , Race 9, Cox Plate, $5,050,000.00 ($250,000.00), Jockey: Craig Williams, Bar: 2 , 59kg, 2:01.07 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-4 |
Trainer: E Jusufovic Jockey: Ben Allen Weight: 59kg Barrier: 8
Record: 27-7-3-4 Prizemoney: $1,793,450.00
7-11 | Lg Nk4.1L , Flemington, 2024-11-09 1600M, Good , Race 7, Vrc Champions Mile, $3,005,325.00 ($60,000.00), Jockey: Ben Allen, Bar: 7 , 59kg, 1:36.02 , , Settled-7 800-6 400-6 |
1-8 | NkL , Caulfield, 2024-08-31 1400M, Good , Race 9, Memsie Stakes, $754,950.00 ($454,950.00), Jockey: Ben Allen, Bar: 3 , 59kg, 1:22.66 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-5 |
2-10 | Lg Nk0.2L , Caulfield, 2024-08-17 1400M, Good , Race 8, P.B. Lawrence Stakes, $301,800.00 ($54,000.00), Jockey: Ben Allen, Bar: 4 , 59kg, 1:22.54 , , Settled-6 800-7 400-5 |
7-8 | 4.318.2L , Flemington, 2024-09-14 1600M, Heavy , Race 8, Makybe Diva Stakes, $755,325.00 ($15,000.00), Jockey: Ben Allen, Bar: 8 , 59kg, 1:38.98 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-5 |
3-15 | 22.4L , Caulfield, 2024-10-19 1400M, Soft , Race 10, Moonga Stakes, $201,300.00 ($18,000.00), Jockey: Ben Allen, Bar: 4 , 60kg, 1:26.17 , , Settled-12 800-12 400-11 |
Trainer: C Maher Jockey: M Zahra Weight: 59kg Barrier: 2
Record: 14-3-1-3 Prizemoney: $1,873,187.00
7-7 | 3/45.2L , Cranbourne Training, 2024-08-26 1200M, Soft , Race 1, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: John Allen, Bar: 5 , 0kg, 1:13.64 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
10-18 | 513.9L , Caulfield, 2024-10-19 2400M, Soft , Race 9, Caulfield Cup, $5,200,000.00 ($120,000.00), Jockey: John Allen, Bar: 10 , 54.5kg, 2:31.42 , , Settled-10 800-11 400-9 |
9-16 | 1.56.5L , Flemington, 2024-10-05 2000M, Soft , Race 8, Turnbull Stks, $755,325.00 (), Jockey: John Allen, Bar: 11 , 58kg, 2:02.62 , , Settled-6 800-8 400-9 |
8-8 | 4.321.5L , Flemington, 2024-09-14 1600M, Heavy , Race 8, Makybe Diva Stakes, $755,325.00 ($15,000.00), Jockey: M Zahra, Bar: 2 , 59kg, 1:38.98 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-8 |
1-16 | 2L , Royal Randwick, 2024-04-13 3200M, Good , Race 7, Sydney Cup, $2,159,500.00 ($1,314,500.00), Jockey: Andrea Atzeni, Bar: 14 , 51.5kg, 3:20.89 , , Settled-8 800-3 400-2 |
Trainer: T J Gollan Jockey: B Shinn Weight: 59kg Barrier: 6
Record: 23-11-3-3 Prizemoney: $2,208,865.00
3-4 | 3/42.3L , Moonee Valley, 2024-09-27 1600M, Good , Race 4, Feehan Stakes, $501,500.00 ($45,000.00), Jockey: B Shinn, Bar: 2 , 59kg, 1:34.67 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-3 |
3-8 | 4.34.7L , Flemington, 2024-09-14 1600M, Heavy , Race 8, Makybe Diva Stakes, $755,325.00 ($67,500.00), Jockey: B Shinn, Bar: 6 , 59kg, 1:38.98 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-2 |
1-12 | 6.5L , Caulfield, 2024-10-12 1600M, Good , Race 10, Toorak Hcp, $1,006,200.00 ($606,200.00), Jockey: B Shinn, Bar: 8 , 55.5kg, 1:35.24 , , Settled-12 800-11 400-1 |
4-8 | 2.33.7L , Caulfield, 2024-08-31 1400M, Good , Race 9, Memsie Stakes, $754,950.00 ($33,750.00), Jockey: Jamie Kah, Bar: 6 , 59kg, 1:22.66 , , Settled-8 800-8 400-8 |
2-11 | Lg Nk0.4L , Flemington, 2024-11-09 1600M, Good , Race 7, Vrc Champions Mile, $3,005,325.00 ($540,000.00), Jockey: M Zahra, Bar: 10 , 59kg, 1:36.02 , , Settled-11 800-11 400-8 |
Trainer: M Price & M Kent Jnr Jockey: M J Dee Weight: 58.5kg Barrier: 3
Record: 12-3-2-1 Prizemoney: $967,050.00
1-7 | HdL , Cranbourne Training, 2024-08-26 1200M, Soft , Race 1, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: B Shinn, Bar: 1 , 0kg, 1:13.64 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
2-16 | 3/41.3L , Morphettville, 2024-05-04 2500M, Good , Race 8, Sa Derby, $1,001,790.00 ($177,000.00), Jockey: Damian Lane, Bar: 12 , 56.5kg, 2:41.13 , , Settled-14 800-13 400-9 |
1-18 | 10.5L , Eagle Farm, 2024-06-01 2400M, Soft , Race 8, Queensland Derby, $1,000,000.00 ($600,000.00), Jockey: B Shinn, Bar: 18 , 57kg, 2:32.04 , , Settled-5 800-4 400-2 |
11-16 | 1.57.7L , Flemington, 2024-10-05 2000M, Soft , Race 8, Turnbull Stks, $755,325.00 (), Jockey: M J Dee, Bar: 10 , 57kg, 2:02.62 , , Settled-14 800-13 400-12 |
4-8 | 4.35.7L , Flemington, 2024-09-14 1600M, Heavy , Race 8, Makybe Diva Stakes, $755,325.00 ($33,750.00), Jockey: M J Dee, Bar: 3 , 58.5kg, 1:38.98 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-6 |
Trainer: C Maher Jockey: Declan Bates Weight: 57kg Barrier: 7
Record: 35-8-9-3 Prizemoney: $10,034,490.00
1-4 | 1.5L , Moonee Valley, 2024-09-27 1600M, Good , Race 4, Feehan Stakes, $501,500.00 ($301,500.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 1 , 57kg, 1:34.67 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
8-9 | 215.8L , Moonee Valley, 2024-10-26 2040M, Good , Race 9, Cox Plate, $5,050,000.00 ($75,000.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 7 , 57kg, 2:01.07 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-3 |
5-8 | 2.35.7L , Caulfield, 2024-08-31 1400M, Good , Race 9, Memsie Stakes, $754,950.00 ($18,750.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 7 , 57kg, 1:22.66 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
2-11 | Sh Nk0.8L , Royal Randwick, 2024-10-19 1600M, Soft , Race 9, King Charles Iii Stakes, $5,110,000.00 ($850,000.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 10 , 57kg, 1:34.07 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
2-8 | 4.30.4L , Flemington, 2024-09-14 1600M, Heavy , Race 8, Makybe Diva Stakes, $755,325.00 ($135,000.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 7 , 57kg, 1:38.98 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
Trainer: C J Waller Jockey: Damian Lane Weight: 57kg Barrier: 5
Record: 47-11-8-8 Prizemoney: $5,634,620.00
1-13 | HdL , Flemington, 2024-11-02 1600M, Good , Race 8, Empire Rose Stakes, $1,005,325.00 ($605,325.00), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 9 , 57kg, 1:35.93 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-9 |
9-12 | Lg Nk3.4L , Royal Randwick, 2024-08-24 1400M, Good , Race 8, Winx Stakes, $1,005,000.00 ($8,000.00), Jockey: Tyler Schiller, Bar: 10 , 57kg, 1:23.15 , , Settled-11 800-11 400-12 |
6-8 | 4.310.2L , Flemington, 2024-09-14 1600M, Heavy , Race 8, Makybe Diva Stakes, $755,325.00 ($15,000.00), Jockey: Damian Lane, Bar: 5 , 57kg, 1:38.98 , , Settled-8 800-8 400-7 |
3-8 | 3/41.6L , Caulfield, 2024-10-12 2000M, Good , Race 7, Might And Power, $1,005,000.00 ($90,000.00), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 8 , 57kg, 2:01.40 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-5 |
6-16 | 1.53.3L , Flemington, 2024-10-05 2000M, Soft , Race 8, Turnbull Stks, $755,325.00 ($15,000.00), Jockey: M Zahra, Bar: 5 , 56kg, 2:02.62 , , Settled-7 800-6 400-7 |
Trainer: C J Waller Jockey: J B Mc Donald Weight: 57kg Barrier: 1
Record: 20-10-4-2 Prizemoney: $8,557,239.00
5-8 | 4.36.5L , Flemington, 2024-09-14 1600M, Heavy , Race 8, Makybe Diva Stakes, $755,325.00 ($18,750.00), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 1 , 57kg, 1:38.98 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-4 |
6-6 | 1/21.9L , Rosehill Gardens, 2024-08-06 1000M, Good , Race 1, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 6 , 0kg, 1:01.28 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
1-9 | 8L , Moonee Valley, 2024-10-26 2040M, Good , Race 9, Cox Plate, $5,050,000.00 ($3,050,000.00), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 4 , 57kg, 2:01.07 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-1 |
1-16 | HdL , Flemington, 2024-10-05 2000M, Soft , Race 8, Turnbull Stks, $755,325.00 ($455,325.00), Jockey: Damian Lane, Bar: 12 , 57kg, 2:02.62 , , Settled-10 800-10 400-6 |
1-12 | Hf HdL , Royal Randwick, 2024-08-24 1400M, Good , Race 8, Winx Stakes, $1,005,000.00 ($585,000.00), Jockey: K Mc Evoy, Bar: 7 , 57kg, 1:23.15 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-8 |