Distillery Acceptance
Race 2 at Warrnambool
Date: Thu 31st Oct, 2024
McLaren Hunt Financial Group Mdn Plate, 1700m
Maiden, Apprentices Can Claim, Set Weight, $37,500.00
No | Horse | Barrier | Jockey | Weight | Win | Pl |
1 | Back Of The Boat | 6 | Tom Madden | 59.5 | 0% | 0% |
2 | El James | 12 | Thomas Stockdale | 59.5 | 75% | 0% |
3 | Go Irish | 4 | Harry Grace | 59.5 | 0% | 0% |
4 | Hollis | 13 | Melissa Julius | 59.5 | 0% | 0% |
5 | It's Lit | 14 | Fred W Kersley | 59.5 | 29% | 0% |
6 | Tavolta | 2 | E J Walsh | 59.5 | 0% | 5% |
7 | Barbwire Baby | 10 | Ms K Walters | 57.5 | 0% | 14% |
8 | Jenni The Tank | 5 | Declan Bates | 57.5 | 33% | 33% |
9 | Monsoon Indi | 8 | Ms L J Meech | 57.5 | 0% | 20% |
10 | Alcaparci | 11 | Lester Grace | 57 | 0% | 0% |
11 | Distillery | 1 | Liam Riordan | 57 | 0% | 0% |
12 | Morthan Efficient | 9 | John Allen | 57 | 0% | 20% |
13 | Jenni Castelforte | 3 | H Coffey | 55 | 33% | 0% |
14 | Winehouse | 7 | Ms J Kennedy | 55 | 0% | 0% |
Trainer: Steven Pateman Jockey: Tom Madden Weight: 59.5kg Barrier: 6
Record: 7-0-1-0 Prizemoney: $8,565.00
2-11 | 1.84.3L , Casterton, 2024-07-28 1400M, Soft , Race 3, Mdn Hwt, $27,000.00 ($4,590.00), Jockey: S Pateman, Bar: 2 , 69.5kg, 1:26.65 , , Settled-5 800-3 400-3 |
11-14 | 2.88.5L , Terang, 2024-08-15 1400M, Soft , Race 4, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 (), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 12 , 59.5kg, 1:25.47 , , Settled-12 800-12 400-12 |
5-8 | 210L , Warrnambool, 2024-09-12 1700M, Heavy , Race 3, 3yo+ Mdn, $37,500.00 ($1,125.00), Jockey: Tatum Bull, Bar: 5 , 57.5kg, 1:47.59 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-6 |
10-14 | 3.514L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-31 1700M, Good , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($750.00), Jockey: Tom Madden, Bar: 6 , 59.5kg, 1:43.71 , , Settled- 800- 400- |
8-11 | 3.59.4L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-04 2000M, Soft , Race 1, 3yo+ Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($675.00), Jockey: S Pateman, Bar: 7 , 69.5kg, 2:06.57 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-4 |
Trainer: Symon Wilde Jockey: Thomas Stockdale Weight: 59.5kg Barrier: 12
Record: 4-3-1-0 Prizemoney: $63,715.00
2-12 | 13L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-21 1400M, Good , Race 4, Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($4,590.00), Jockey: Thomas Stockdale, Bar: 10 , 59.5kg, 1:23.46 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-3 |
1-10 | 1L , Ballarat, 2024-11-14 2000M, Good , Race 8, (Bm64), $35,000.00 ($19,250.00), Jockey: Jordan Childs, Bar: 4 , 59kg, 2:07.95 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-4 |
1-14 | 1L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-31 1700M, Good , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($20,625.00), Jockey: Thomas Stockdale, Bar: 12 , 59.5kg, 1:43.71 , , Settled-7 800-6 400-4 |
6-11 | 1.35.4L , Ararat, 2024-09-30 850M, Good , Race 7, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Jarrod Fry, Bar: 5 , 0kg, 0:51.10 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
Trainer: M W Greig Jockey: Harry Grace Weight: 59.5kg Barrier: 4
Record: 22-0-0-0 Prizemoney: $14,950.00
13-14 | 3.89.2L , Warrnambool, 2024-09-23 2000M, Soft , Race 4, Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 (), Jockey: Jack Hill, Bar: 4 , 59.5kg, 2:07.44 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-3 |
7-9 | 1.57.1L , St Arnaud, 2024-10-26 2000M, Good , Race 1, 3yo+ Mdn Plate, $20,000.00 ($500.00), Jockey: Ms J Kennedy, Bar: 8 , 59.5kg, 2:04.04 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-7 |
8-14 | 3.510.8L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-31 1700M, Good , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($750.00), Jockey: Harry Grace, Bar: 4 , 59.5kg, 1:43.71 , , Settled-12 800-11 400-11 |
8-12 | 1.87.7L , Warrnambool, 2024-09-12 2000M, Heavy , Race 4, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($750.00), Jockey: Jack Hill, Bar: 5 , 59.5kg, 2:10.99 , , Settled-9 800-8 400-6 |
7-11 | 2.819.3L , Ballarat, 2024-06-30 2600M, Soft , Race 4, 3yo+ Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($750.00), Jockey: Jack Hill, Bar: 11 , 59.5kg, 2:47.73 , , Settled-9 800-6 400-2 |
Trainer: R C Bruhn Jockey: Melissa Julius Weight: 59.5kg Barrier: 13
Record: 4-0-0-0 Prizemoney: $1,890.00
9-12 | 1.311.7L , Mt Gambier, 2024-08-09 1215M, Soft , Race 1, 3yo+ Mdn, $23,000.00 (), Jockey: Melissa Julius, Bar: 9 , 58kg, 1:17.21 , , Settled-11 800-11 400-10 |
9-11 | 2.85.6L , Hamilton, 2024-10-12 1400M, Good , Race 3, 3yo+ Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($675.00), Jockey: Melissa Julius, Bar: 1 , 59.5kg, 1:23.55 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-4 |
4-11 | Sh Hd0.4L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-21 1400M, Good , Race 5, Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($1,215.00), Jockey: Melissa Julius, Bar: 7 , 59.5kg, 1:24.88 , , Settled-10 800-10 400-9 |
Trainer: L Smith Jockey: Fred W Kersley Weight: 59.5kg Barrier: 14
Record: 7-2-0-0 Prizemoney: $30,210.00
6-8 | Sh Nk4.8L , Geelong, 2024-12-05 1726M, Good , Race 6, Hcp (64), $35,000.00 ($700.00), Jockey: Fred W Kersley, Bar: 1 , 58kg, 1:43.87 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-6 |
5-11 | Sh Hd1.9L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-21 1400M, Good , Race 5, Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($810.00), Jockey: Fred W Kersley, Bar: 6 , 59.5kg, 1:24.88 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-7 |
5-13 | Lg Nk5L , Warrnambool, 2024-12-01 1700M, Heavy , Race 1, (Bm58), $35,000.00 ($1,050.00), Jockey: Fred W Kersley, Bar: 10 , 61.5kg, 1:48.07 , , Settled-11 800-10 400-8 |
1-10 | 2.8L , Hamilton, 2024-11-08 1600M, Good , Race 4, 3yo+ Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($14,850.00), Jockey: Fred W Kersley, Bar: 9 , 59.5kg, 1:38.88 , , Settled- 800- 400- |
5-14 | 3.56.3L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-31 1700M, Good , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($1,125.00), Jockey: Fred W Kersley, Bar: 14 , 59.5kg, 1:43.71 , , Settled-4 800-1 400-1 |
Trainer: Stephen Lenehan Jockey: E J Walsh Weight: 59.5kg Barrier: 2
Record: 21-0-1-1 Prizemoney: $20,735.00
6-8 | 1.315.6L , Ballarat, 2024-10-17 2600M, Good , Race 3, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($750.00), Jockey: Neil Farley, Bar: 2 , 59.5kg, 2:49.50 , , Settled-3 800-4 400-6 |
6-10 | 3/48.3L , Gunbower, 2024-10-05 1800M, Good , Race 1, Mdn Plate, $20,000.00 ($500.00), Jockey: Ms J Da Rose, Bar: 8 , 59.5kg, 1:54.95 , , Settled-10 800-10 400-10 |
12-14 | 3.514.7L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-31 1700M, Good , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 (), Jockey: E J Walsh, Bar: 2 , 59.5kg, 1:43.71 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-13 |
7-8 | 4.312L , Hamilton, 2024-11-08 2200M, Good , Race 1, Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($675.00), Jockey: Jordan Hart, Bar: 3 , 69.5kg, 2:21.40 , , Settled-8 800-8 400-8 |
2-9 | 3/41.8L , Ballarat, 2024-11-14 2600M, Good , Race 1, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($6,750.00), Jockey: Cian Macredmond, Bar: 8 , 59.5kg, 2:50.61 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-7 |
Trainer: S R Fisher Jockey: Ms K Walters Weight: 57.5kg Barrier: 10
Record: 22-0-0-3 Prizemoney: $22,145.00
6-6 | 3/47L , Geelong, 2024-09-26 2470M, Soft , Race 1, 3yo+ Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($750.00), Jockey: E J Walsh, Bar: 1 , 57.5kg, 2:41.72 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-5 |
9-10 | Hd20L , Donald, 2024-11-17 2200M, Good , Race 3, 3yo+ Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($750.00), Jockey: Ms K Walters, Bar: 9 , 57.5kg, 2:17.92 , , Settled-8 800-7 400-9 |
11-14 | 3.514.3L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-31 1700M, Good , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 (), Jockey: Ms K Walters, Bar: 10 , 57.5kg, 1:43.71 , , Settled-13 800-13 400-12 |
9-9 | Ns8.4L , Ararat, 2024-11-26 2200M, Good , Race 1, 3yo+ Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($675.00), Jockey: Teodore Nugent, Bar: 1 , 57.5kg, 2:19.94 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-2 |
8-8 | Nk13.5L , Nhill, 2024-12-29 1650M, Good , Race 3, 3yo+ Mdn Plate, $20,000.00 ($500.00), Jockey: Tayla Childs, Bar: 8 , 57.5kg, 1:45.21 , , Settled-8 800-7 400-8 |
Trainer: C Maher Jockey: Declan Bates Weight: 57.5kg Barrier: 5
Record: 3-1-1-1 Prizemoney: $30,750.00
10-10 | Sh1/2Hd14.1L , Colac, 2024-09-09 800M, Soft , Race 10, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Sarah Field, Bar: 11 , 0kg, 0:50.05 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
2-10 | Hd1.3L , Donald, 2024-11-17 2200M, Good , Race 3, 3yo+ Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($6,750.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 2 , 57.5kg, 2:17.92 , , Settled-5 800-6 400-4 |
3-14 | 3.54.5L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-31 1700M, Good , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($3,375.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 5 , 57.5kg, 1:43.71 , , Settled-8 800-8 400-7 |
Trainer: Ms K Dufty Jockey: Ms L J Meech Weight: 57.5kg Barrier: 8
Record: 5-0-0-1 Prizemoney: $5,010.00
7-10 | Lg hd4.8L , Hamilton, 2024-11-08 1600M, Good , Race 4, 3yo+ Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($675.00), Jockey: Ms L J Meech, Bar: 6 , 57.5kg, 1:38.88 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-6 |
3-10 | 44.5L , Warrnambool, 2024-09-23 1200M, Soft , Race 2, F&M Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($2,160.00), Jockey: Ms L J Meech, Bar: 4 , 58kg, 1:12.82 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-9 |
6-12 | 19L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-21 1400M, Good , Race 4, Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($675.00), Jockey: Ms L J Meech, Bar: 9 , 57.5kg, 1:23.46 , , Settled-12 800-12 400-11 |
6-7 | 610.7L , Hamilton, 2024-08-06 1000M, Heavy , Race 4, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: L C Williams, Bar: 9 , 0kg, 1:01.44 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
6-14 | 3.57.3L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-31 1700M, Good , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($750.00), Jockey: Ms L J Meech, Bar: 8 , 57.5kg, 1:43.71 , , Settled-11 800-10 400-9 |
Trainer: P A Chow Jockey: Lester Grace Weight: 57kg Barrier: 11
Record: 2-0-0-0 Prizemoney:
11-12 | 119.3L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-21 1400M, Good , Race 4, Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 (), Jockey: Ryan Houston, Bar: 7 , 55kg, 1:23.46 , , Settled-11 800-11 400-12 |
Trainer: M Price & M Kent Jnr Jockey: Liam Riordan Weight: 57kg Barrier: 1
Record: 2-0-0-0 Prizemoney: $3,750.00
7-14 | 3.59.3L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-31 1700M, Good , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($750.00), Jockey: Liam Riordan, Bar: 1 , 57kg, 1:43.71 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-5 |
Trainer: Robert Hickmott Jockey: John Allen Weight: 57kg Barrier: 9
Record: 5-0-1-1 Prizemoney: $11,685.00
6-13 | 3.35.8L , Bendigo, 2024-10-06 1300M, Good , Race 1, 3yo Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($750.00), Jockey: R J Hurdle, Bar: 3 , 58kg, 1:17.23 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-7 |
6-12 | Nk14.4L , Ararat, 2024-09-30 1000M, Good , Race 12, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: R J Hurdle, Bar: 10 , 0kg, 0:58.60 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
4-6 | 3/44L , Bendigo, 2024-10-19 1600M, Soft , Race 3, 3yo Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($1,215.00), Jockey: R J Hurdle, Bar: 3 , 58kg, 1:40.43 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-6 |
5-11 | 1.32.6L , Seymour, 2024-11-15 2000M, Good , Race 1, Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($810.00), Jockey: Teodore Nugent, Bar: 2 , 58kg, 2:05.83 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-4 |
2-14 | 3.51L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-31 1700M, Good , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($6,750.00), Jockey: John Allen, Bar: 9 , 57kg, 1:43.71 , , Settled-2 800-3 400-3 |
Trainer: L Smith Jockey: H Coffey Weight: 55kg Barrier: 3
Record: 3-1-0-0 Prizemoney: $17,400.00
7-11 | 2.84.7L , Hamilton, 2024-10-12 1400M, Good , Race 3, 3yo+ Mdn Plate, $27,000.00 ($675.00), Jockey: Fred W Kersley, Bar: 6 , 55kg, 1:23.55 , , Settled-9 800-7 400-7 |
4-14 | 3.55.5L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-31 1700M, Good , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($1,875.00), Jockey: H Coffey, Bar: 3 , 55kg, 1:43.71 , , Settled-6 800-7 400-8 |
Trainer: Matthew Cumani Jockey: Ms J Kennedy Weight: 55kg Barrier: 7
Record: 3-0-0-0 Prizemoney: $2,250.00
5-6 | 57.6L , Ararat, 2023-09-28 850M, Good , Race 8, 2yo (Barrier Trial), (), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 5 , 0kg, 0:52.56 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
7-10 | Hd14.2L , Donald, 2024-11-17 2200M, Good , Race 3, 3yo+ Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($750.00), Jockey: Tom Prebble, Bar: 6 , 56kg, 2:17.92 , , Settled-4 800-3 400-5 |
11-12 | Nk19.2L , Ararat, 2024-09-30 1000M, Good , Race 12, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: E J Walsh, Bar: 4 , 0kg, 0:58.60 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400- |
10-11 | Nk12L , Ballarat, 2024-10-17 1400M, Good , Race 1, 3yo Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($750.00), Jockey: E J Walsh, Bar: 11 , 56kg, 1:27.07 , , Settled-11 800-11 400-11 |
9-14 | 3.512.3L , Warrnambool, 2024-10-31 1700M, Good , Race 2, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($750.00), Jockey: Ms J Kennedy, Bar: 7 , 53.5kg, 1:43.71 , , Settled-3 800-4 400-6 |